The modern English language version of "Dubh-Ghaill"
in Ireland today is "Doyle", "O’Doyle" or
"Dowell", "McDowell", and in Scotland it is
"Dougall" or "MacDougall" (the modern Scots
pronunciation is closer to the original Gaelic).
In Ulster and
Roscommon, these names now exist as "McDowell" and
"Dowell", and are carried on by the descendants of the
original immigrant Irish/Scots/Norse Galloglass
A more complete list of surname varients include all
the following:
Dougall, Dowell, Doyle, O'Doyle, DubhGhaill,
MacDowall, MacDowell, McDougal, McDougall, McDoughall, McDowall,
McDowel, McDowell.